{"UUID":"909573e3-5677-481d-beb6-3c5c09bf8867","URL":"http://blogs.collab.net/subversion/subversion-sha1-collision-problem-statement-prevention-remediation-options","StartTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","EndTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","Categories":["postmortem"],"Company":"WebKit code repository","Product":"","Description":"The WebKit repository, a Subversion repository configured to use deduplication, became unavailable after two files with the same SHA-1 hash were checked in as test data, with the intention of implementing a safety check for collisions. The two files had different md5 sums and so a checkout would fail a consistency check. For context, the first public SHA-1 hash collision had very recently been announced, with an example of two colliding files."}